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As a participant in the exhibition "Photomontage" 2020 . Punkty gallery, Varsaw, Poland.

Project selected as a national finalist for the Portfolio review of PHOTOESPAÑA 2020. Santander, Spain.

"Uczciwość" is a documentary photography serie captured throughout Poland during 2019 and 2020. It is a series based on spontaneity and naturalness, made with a humble and simple analogical camera loaded with Ilford film on white and black film, developed manually by the author.

"Uczciwość" means honest in Polish. When it is refered as a sincere series, it is not about what we have associated with the word sincerity, being etymologically punctilious. Any kind of photography can be sincere, but thisn one is made from the guts of a still innocent person who captures the wonders and the rudeness that are intrinsic to leaving the nest, your home, and crossing Europe for the first time.


These are images that have not been digitally manipulated, the only thing that has been retouched is in the development lab, with the infinite limitations that this implies. They are intended to transport the spectator to the same moment as the author when she was pointing the camera. It is a project that is nurse with fascination, the inexperienced look and the illusion that a professional photographer could never be able to recreate. It is presented a project that denounces and and shows Polish atrocities and smiles, from the homeless, to people who are sold out, to the homeless people, people who are selling the last things they have left. 

Broken people to children playing, laughing, dancing. It is a conversation between past and future, joy and sadness, and that speaks of youth and senility, and showing the different stages and states of life.

Analogue photography evokes a magic and nostalgia that digital photography is impossible to recreate. In this series the past and the present merge. They are images that evoke the past because of their format and their monochrome, but on the on the other hand, if you look closely at the images, you can appreciate present-day elements in the images.

As Susan Sontag says: "There is something in people's faces when they don't know they are being looked that it that doesn't appear when they do". This is why, another key to these photographs is the sincerity of the models, as none of them is aware that they are none of them is aware that they are being pointed at with a camera. They are everyday scenes that show the roughness and gentleness of the streets, from homeless people to children at play. They are everyday scenes seen
from foreign eyes, foreign and almost touristic, admiring the beauty in any corner of a foreign country.

It is a photographic series that aims to capture, from the most honest
simplicity the routine of a European country so different and so similar to ours.
ours. That shows the roughness and gentleness of the streets, from homeless people to children at play. They are everyday scenes seen
from foreign eyes, foreign and almost touristic, admiring the beauty in any corner of a foreign country.

It is a photographic series that aims to capture, from the most honest
simplicity the routine of a European country so different and so similar to ours.

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